Revolutionizing Real-Time Data & Intelligence.

Real-time insights through a decentralized global network, capturing and analyzing public radio communications.

Brought to you by former partners at


Transforming Real-Time Decision-Making

We are revolutionizing global intelligence by converting radio transmissions into actionable insights. Our mission is to enhance decision-making across various sectors with advanced real-time data harvesting solutions.

Our vision for the future of intelligence

Our network captures, analyzes, and indexes local radio communications directly from the source. By converting real-time events into actionable insights, we empower institutions with the tools they need to respond to unfolding global events swiftly and effectively.

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Intelligence Reports

Experience unparalleled accuracy and speed with Our decentralized network and advanced AI ensure you receive the most reliable real-time data, enabling you to make informed decisions quickly and confidently. Transform your operations with our state-of-the-art intelligence solutions.

Real-Time Intelligence with the Terminal

Unlock the potential of real-time data with our terminal, designed to provide clarity, speed, and actionable insights for critical decision-making.

Real-Time Intel Visualization

Real-Time Intel Visualization

Visualize intelligence as it arrives in real-time with analytical tools that highlight patterns and insights so you can stay ahead of the herd as events unfold globally.

Interactive Dashboards

Interactive Dashboards

Our customizable dashboards allow you to filter, sort, and control data streams according to your specific needs. Tailor your experience to focus on what matters most.

Automated Alerts and Notifications

Automated Alerts and Notifications

Set personalized alerts for specific events or indicators relevant to you. Our system pushes notifications to your devices, ensuring you never miss critical intelligence, no matter where you are.

Unleash the Power of Real-Time Intelligence

Discover how our cutting-edge features transform raw data into actionable insights, driving faster decisions and operational efficiency.

  • Instant Access

    Gain immediate access to real-time intelligence from around the globe, ensuring you are always informed with the latest data as events unfold.

  • Data Accuracy

    With advanced verification systems, we deliver high-quality, accurate intelligence that you can rely on for critical decisions.

  • Enhanced Security

    Benefit from a decentralized network that significantly reduces the risks of data tampering and loss.

  • Scalable Solutions

    Our platform scales to meet growing data demands, capable of expanding coverage and processing capabilities as your needs evolve.

  • User-Focused Design

    Experience an intuitive interface that simplifies complex data into user-friendly formats, making intelligence easier to digest and act upon.

  • Reduced Latency

    Experience near-zero delay with our optimized network architecture, ensuring ultra-fast data delivery and processing that keeps you ahead.

From Capture to Clarity: How Our Technology Works

Embrace the transformation of real-time radio broadcasts into precise, actionable insights through our decentralized AI-powered network.

Node operators deploy devices designed to autonomously scan and capture local radio frequencies, before transmitting them to a LLM for processing and analysis.
Verification and Indexing
Captured data undergoes a robust, distributed verification process by local mobile verifiers, ensuring reliability before being processed and indexed it into structured insights.
Data Availability
Processed intelligence is stored in a decentralized database, and made available in real-time to subscribers worldwide via our terminal.
Compensation and Growth
Contributors are compensated based on their role in collecting and verifying accurate and reliable data, fostering network expansion and precision.

Unlock Instant Intelligence

Unlock instant, reliable intelligence by joining the waitlist for real-time global data insights to stay ahead of the curve.

What Early Adopters Say

Real-world thoughts from individuals and institutions leveraging for unparalleled intelligence insights.


If you have another question, reach out to us.